Where to find husqvarna k770 saw in Mentor

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Manufacturer Link:  <Click Here>

Manufacturer: HUSQVARNA

Sale Price$1,199.00

Additional Information

  • The Husqvarna K 770 is a powerful all-round power cutter with features that make it one of the best power cutters on the market. Equipped with semi-automatic SmartTension™ system allows for optimal power transmission, minimum wear and maximum belt life. The light weight, outstanding power-to-weight ratio, the reliable start and exceptionally low vibrations mean less strain and maximized productivity. Suitable for road work and easy to cut in a straight or curved track or close to sidewalk when used with KV7 trolley.

Consider these items to go with your rental:

* Prices are subject to change. Delivery and other applicable fees are not included in this price estimate.
Please call us for any questions on our husqvarna k770 saw in Mentor OH, serving Cleveland, Chardon OH, Chagrin Falls Ohio, Ashtabula, Mentor OH